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Why I’m still unvaccinated for COVID

- RENEW AMERICA - Rev. Mark H. Creech - APR 15, 2022 -

Those who follow my columns know that I haven’t addressed the issue of COVID vaccines, whether to get them or not. Exemplary Christian leaders have encouraged getting them, and many people have followed their advice. However, the information available has always been so conflicting that I never had any peace about recommending the jab one way or the other.

In August of 2021, I contracted a severe case of COVID, which lasted several weeks. I nearly died. I suffered a 105-degree temperature, which I cannot recall. I only know about it because my doctor told me. I could hardly think and process what was going on around me. I experienced profound flu-like symptoms, along with violent vomiting. Once I collapsed and went out like a light on the bathroom floor. I awakened to my wife calling out my name and rubbing me on the back. I have never experienced any sickness so severe. During a follow-up visit to my physician’s office, he shocked me by saying he was expecting me to die.

For several months afterward, I had to walk with a cane. My memory was significantly impaired. My cognitive functions were also blighted.

Currently, I’m being treated for COVID Brain and low energy. I have Long-Haul COVID symptoms and still find it challenging to work for more than half a day. I often feel as though I can never get enough sleep.

I wasn’t vaccinated when I came down with COVID, and one would think I would get the shots after all I went through. But I remain unvaccinated.

Here are some reasons why.

First, it seems that credible information about vaccines, which ought to have been known, have been withheld from the public.

Liberty Counsel, a Christian law firm led by Mat Staver, which focuses on religious liberty, has been vigorously fighting vaccine mandates and passports in court throughout the pandemic. Staver argues they are being used to restrict and control people. He says they are a serious threat to freedom and, if accepted, could be used by the government long after COVID.

I believe Staver to be a trusted source, and he says the FDA attempted to keep Pfizer’s COVID shot data a secret until a Texas Judge recently said that they couldn’t.

He notes a report by journalist Kim Iverson who gives an overview of the documents meant to be suppressed, but were released by a court order on April 1st.

All of the following information has been admitted to by Pfizer and has been known by the FDA for over a year:

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