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The Supreme Court is going to hear one lawsuit that could cripple Joe Biden


Joe Biden is the most lawless President in American history.

Biden’s rogue behavior is about to catch up with him.

And now the Supreme Court is going to hear one lawsuit that could cripple Joe Biden.

Joe Biden recently shredded the Constitution with an illegal order to bail out as much as $40,000 in student loan debt from Democrat-leaning voters making up to $249,000 per year.

Working-class Americans will now foot the bill for woke Harvard and Yale educated doctors and lawyers.

Biden abused his authority by stealing as much as $1 trillion from the treasury to hand out as a pre-election bribe by executive fiat.

And Republican State Attorneys General and conservative groups are currently in the process of preparing a legal challenge to this abuse of power.

The Washington Post reports:

In recent days, a number of GOP attorneys general from states including Arizona, Missouri and Texas have met privately to discuss a strategy that could see multiple cases filed in different courts around the country, according to a person familiar with their thinking who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the confidential talks. Other influential conservatives — including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and allies of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank — are mulling their own options as they ratchet up criticism of Biden’s debt-relief plan, two additional people familiar with the matter said. And a conservative advocacy group founded by a major Trump donor said it would file a lawsuit against the policy.

The main issue is “finding standing” – meaning conservatives need to find a plaintiff who the courts say can bring a lawsuit forward by proving they suffered injury from Joe Biden’s action.

“The conservative public interest law firms in our network are exploring filing lawsuits against this. They are doing background legal research, trying to find out who might be the most suitable clients for them,” Heritage Foundation Meese Center Director John Malcom told the Post. “They have to find a client with the standing and the gumption to take on a lawsuit. There are several groups in our network who are exploring that right now.”

Should conservatives overcome that hurdle, legal experts believe they have a slam dunk case at the Supreme Court.

“If they keep going with this argument and this interpretation of the statute, it is likely they will lose 6 to 3, and it’s possible they could lose by more than 6 to 3,” Fordham Law School Jed Handelsman Shugerman told the Post. “I foresee this good policy being rightly struck down by the courts on legal terms.”


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