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The Making of a Media Market

- YesXorNo - ARPIL 27, 2023 -

The general USA media commentary scrum, aka the MSM, have been passive-voicing or misrepresenting the firing of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. They have 'parted ways', Tucker 'is leaving', 'is out'. Lets correct that. He was axed.

[Image: a composite by the author, Robert Kennedy Jr., Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump.]

Axing Your Top Rated Presenter

The general USA media commentary scrum, aka the MSM, have been passive-voicing or misrepresenting the firing of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. They have 'parted ways', Tucker 'is leaving', 'is out'. Lets correct that. He was axed.

The reasons for this are certain to be many, and many irrelevant commentators are throwing suggestions left and right. What has been of far more interest to this author is an interesting eulogizing of the latter part of Carlson's time at Fox. The reason it is interesting is that it provides a little window in current US media dynamics.

Now, all the left-wing independent comments on Carlson seem to require a mention that they found some of his views anywhere from disagreeable to reprehensible, where his expressed views on immigration are closer to the later category. But, and this is an important but, he is being praised across the independent media space for being pretty much the "last man standing" in the USA cable news space to provide dissenting or non-narrative views. He would invite on Glenn Greenwald, or Aaron Mate, or Jimmy Dore or ‘heaven forfend!’ Robert Kennedy Jr. He has personally berated cable news programs for falling afoul of losing their independence due to the influence of advertising money, particularly that of big Pharma.

There is nothing particularly new about this independent media appreciation of Carlson using his platform to carry some important dissenting views, it merely has become more concentrated just after he was told by Fox to not bother coming to work on Monday. Apart from a boilerplate "thank you for your service" from Fox there has been media silence from both parties on the nature of the severance which is thoroughly understandable because both parties' lawyers are making money attempting to min-max the payout. Rest assured that Tucker will be back, somewhere, in the not too distant future.

The key understanding is that Carlson had a "road to Damascus" moment some time ago when he realised the evil that USA media does in promoting narratives from misleading to flat out false in furtherance of the objectives of the power groups behind the USA Imperium. He went so far as to apologize for his role in this poisonous cabal of narrative management. His recent behaviour of allowing alternate views, when those are well founded, to enter the political discourse can be seen as a form of atonement for this previous behaviour.

Fox knocked 5% off their stock price by firing Tucker and will, like the rest of USA cable media fall into the pit of have minimal viewers in the key age brackets between 18 and 45. Good riddance!

The Market at Play

An interesting time is ahead as the primaries come along. Which media outlets are going to give time to Kennedy and Trump? As The Duran's Mercouris recently stated, (paraphrasing) for the USA political parties and the powers behind them Armageddon is better than a Trump vs. Kennedy presidential vote. I agree with the analysis.

But, markets are at play, and to be frank, the cable news shows are pretty desperate. Both "independent" party candidates will have to be invited to primary debates. But, how to minimize the individual candidates? One can expect the usual old stuff of character assassination and quibbling plus a collection of underhanded tactics. But, where will these candidates get solo interviews, aka monologue time? That will be the media battle, for both candidates have a strong and wide base which will wish to hear them.

So, are the media battle lines drawn.

If my little spider sense is of any value, Carlson will be in that battle offering time to both of these candidates, slaying the viewership numbers of the old media in the process and pissing off the power players to boot!

Postscript: The Road to Damascus Moment

I’ll let you hear Mr. Carlson himself. Here is an article which provides a transcript of some of the relevant sections of the March 10th 2023 Full Send Podcast episode. Below is the episode itself, in full, with the relevant time offset. The reason that this earlier offset than most Tweets provide is used is because I believe context is important. Jump back to the start if you want to hear the full interview.

During the wide ranging discussion Tucker has just been discussing the Epstein murder and the UFO/UAP (unidentified arial phenomena -- the latest term) topics. Following a question to summarize his opinion on aliens he offers his understanding of the role of media and the part he has played in it.

(As an aside, I have also done extensive research on alien phenomena and recommend Richard Dolan’s work which definitively answers the question “Do the USA military take this topic seriously?” in the affirmative. His series “UFOs and the National Security State” are definitive references on the topic. But, that topic is not the point of this excerpt. What I’m failing to convey is, if you find that topic disconcerting, ignore it. The important topic for this article is how Carlson views the media and the role he has played in it.)


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