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School forces LGBT indoctrination onto 4-year-old, all hell breaks loose

- WORLD NET DAILY - Bob Unruh - MAY 14, 2023 -

A parental war against a school's decision to forcibly indoctrinate 4-year-old students into the LGBT ideology is continuing – even though a judge in the case already has issued a radical ruling that the agenda for alternative sexual lifestyle choices essentially is "Christian."

'It turns black into white and white into black'

The report on the fight comes from Christian Concern.

The fight developed when Christian parents Izzy and Shane Montague objected to their child's former school, Heavers Farm, forcing the 4-year-old into an LGBT-themed Pride Parade.

The Christian Legal Center helped in the fight after the school mandated participation in the ideological agenda.


Told of the "Pride" events only shortly before the promotions occurred, the parents were accused of being bigoted, and even were told that participation was a legal requirement.

Ultimately, 182 students were withdrawn from the activities by their parents.

But when the dispute reached an initial court level, Circuit Court Judge Christopher Lethem plunged headfirst into LGBT advocacy.

He issued a ruling wildly claiming that there was little in the Pride parade that was inconsistent with the Montague’s Christian beliefs, and even claimed a poster, "Some people are gay. Get over it!” actually what Christian teaching advocates.

School officials, during testimony, claimed Christian views about homosexuality are "homophobic," and in their emails to each other, charged Christians with concerns about the school's leftism were "bigots."

According to the legal team, "The headteacher also commented on the views of one parent who objected to their child’s participation in the Parade on religious grounds, stating that it was because of such parents that the Pride parade must be mandatory."


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