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RESOURCE: Tracking Legal Action & Legislation Against C0v1d-I9 Mandates


For a current up-to-date chart that details specifics of a prohibited jab mandate by state, as well as the map, go here. It’s clear that blue states are hitting these mandates hard.

There are allegedly over 332 million people in the U.S., and despite the non-stop threats of a “deadly virus” (with a 99.98% survival rate), the constant warnings from the Biden regime, OSHA’s failing attempt at power, the bribery and incentivizing by businesses, the screeching roll of PA announcements in retail establishments, and the endless yammering from mainstream media and “health experts,” over 40% of Americans aren’t choosing the path of fear, and are unrattled by the tyranny which lacks any level of truth. Some have banned together and succeeded against mandates, while many would like to take legal action, and others have already done so, but finding attorneys and court cases, and sorting through the legislation and battles between states and federal government can be challenging and tedious.

For anyone who believes the U.S. is dead in the water – think again. This battle is on, and people are getting more fired up as more demands are being put on them. It’s time that everyone takes a hard stand while this battlefield is brewing with energy, and put an end to this tyranny once and for all, unless you prefer to line up for booster shots for the rest of your life and live in a dystopian virtual cage controlled through your digital ID vaccine passport.

This article will break down the following information to help both citizens and attorneys get a fuller scope on the big picture, including pertinent legislation and federal battles that are also playing a big role with outcomes and putting a halt to this tyranny, and provide links for ongoing tracking.

• Tackling Covid tyranny head on • OSHA & Biden administration under fire in court • Tracking civil court cases and class actions • Tracking state and federal legislation • Tracking Covid policies in K-12 schools • Summary of what’s working and case examples • Covid Resources for legal and/or medical assistance, job boards, forms and letters, alternative resources, and critical information

We have our work cut out for us, but a lot of legislatures are doing their jobs. Here’s a snapshot of where the U.S. stands on Covid jab mandates thus far, which doesn’t include the recent unconstitutional OSHA debacle that’s under fire in court. More on this further down.

Tackling Covid Tyranny Head On

Whereas some people are feeling the pressure from employers or education institutions, and might feel boxed in, it’s important to recognize that there are multiple approaches to tackling these mandates. It’s also important to note that the FDA approved Pfizer Comirnaty Covid jab has never been available in the U.S., and in a statement from Pfizer, they have said that they have no intention of producing any over the next several months for the U.S., since they are continuing to distribute their Emergency Use Authorization BioNTech jab instead.

• Do not comply.

• Do not voluntarily quit – make them fire you.

• Do not download apps requested by your employers or school, requiring you to submit personal information as to whether you have received the jab or not.

• The first line of defense, and the most important, is the masses standing up to this. Many companies will back down if they know they are going to lose a chunk of their staff. Don’t let the intimidation and manipulation tactics let you think differently. Everyone MUST gather their co-workers and take a stand against their demands before this goes any further. The next line of defense will be a legal challenge, which believe it or not, will be more difficult to succeed. The power is in the people and the numbers. Make it happen.

• Religious exemptions are currently the most upheld argument in court, though no one should have to submit anything to this unconstitutional tyranny.

• Sit down with the head of HR and have a genuine conversation about how people feel in the workplace and how they could lose a percentage of their staff. Utilize this employee form to help prepare for this conversation.

• Pay close attention to legislation in your area and get vocal with local legislatures about supporting or opposing their bills. Get your local communities involved as well.

• Reach out to an attorney to review your case, and possibly gather other employees to go to bat with you. Here are some legal and other resources that may be of help to you.

• Continue to bring critical information to others via social media, direct email, conversations, in local community gatherings, on your t-shirt, signs in your vehicle, at your local church, and everywhere else you go.

• The Covid jab and vaccine passports should be everyone’s first priority battle, as it is the doorway into their human cages they are building for everyone.


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