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China estaria negociando com a Rússia para fornecer drones Kamikaze (em Inglês)


Os EUA e a Alemanha alertaram a China para não entregar armas à Rússia. Segundo informações obtidas pelo DER Spiegel, no entanto, Pequim e Moscou estariam negociando a compra de 100 drones de ataque, que poderiam ser entregues já em abril. Na Conferência de Segurança de Munique no fim de semana passado, o secretário de Estado dos EUA, Anthony Blinken, dispensou as sutilezas diplomáticas usuais quando relatou sua reunião com o principal funcionário da política externa chinesa, Wang Yi, fazendo uma repreensão. "Estamos muito preocupados que a China esteja considerando fornecer apoio letal à Rússia em sua agressão contra a Ucrânia", disse Blinken à emissora norte-americana NBC. "E deixei claro que isso teria sérias consequências em nosso relacionamento também."

Top Chinese foreign policy official Wang Yi and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (in July 2022 on Bali): Dispensing with the usual diplomatic niceties Foto: Stefani Reynolds / AP

At the Munich Security Conference last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken dispensed with the usual diplomatic niceties when he reported on his meeting with top Chinese foreign policy official Wang Yi, delivering a rebuke instead.

"We are very concerned that China is considering providing lethal support to Russia in its aggression against Ukraine," Blinken told U.S. broadcaster NBC. "And I made clear that that would have serious consequences in our relationship as well."

China reacted quickly, with a Foreign Ministry spokesperson accusing Blinken of spreading disinformation. But information obtained by DER SPIEGEL indicates that the planned cooperation between Beijing and Moscow goes even further than Blinken makes it sound.

A Warhead up to 50 Kilograms in Weight

According to that information, the Russian military is engaged in negotiations with Chinese drone manufacturer Xi'an Bingo Intelligent Aviation Technology over the mass production of kamikaze drones for Russia. The revelations create a new urgency in the debate over possible Chinese military support for Russia.

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