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C0V1D-I9 vaxxine efficacy plummets after 6 months: Study

- THE BLAZE - PAUL SACCA - NOV 6, 2021 -

Mark Makela/Getty Images

The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines dropped dramatically after six months, according to a large study. The new study of U.S. military veterans found that vaccine efficacy against COVID-19 infection plummeted as much as 73% in six months.

The study – published in the journal Science – found that protection from COVID-19 infection provided by the three vaccines approved in the U.S. fell from 87.9% in February to 48.1% in October.

The study examined data from the Veterans Health Administration of 498,148 fully vaccinated veterans. Moderna's two-dose COVID-19 vaccine went from being 89% effective in March to 58% effective in September. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had an 87% efficacy against coronavirus in March and dropped to only 45% in September. In the same six-month period, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine plummeted from 86% effectiveness to a mere 13%.

The study also examined data from nearly 300,000 unvaccinated veterans to determine the efficacy of the vaccine against death. The study found that those aged 65 and older who got the Moderna vaccine were 76% less likely to die of COVID-19, 70.1% risk of death for those inoculated with the Pfizer vaccine, and 52.2% chance of death with those who took the one-dose J&J shot.


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