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Brain Injuries After COVID Vaccination

- THE EPOCH TIMES - HEALTH VIEWPOINTS - Colleen Huber - APRIL 12, 2023 -

There are back door routes to the brain. COVID vaccine developers have traversed a path through those doors. And they knew they had entered the brain by November 2020, before the vaccine rollout.


We have 86 billion neurons in the human brain, and each of those connects with 10,000 other neurons. No other structure in the known universe rivals the brain’s complexity.

The brain is also the most exclusive club, so to speak, in the body. The gatekeeper is the blood-brain barrier (BBB). That barrier, shown in the second illustration below, is mostly composed of tight junctions between endothelial cells that line, in a single layer, the capillaries (our smallest blood vessels) that nourish the brain. So the BBB is in effect the capillary walls and the tight junctions between its cells.

However, to some extent, there is a liquid component to the BBB, in that the pristine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes the brain and spinal cord is kept pure by the BBB. At the risk of oversimplifying, if the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, is the royalty of the body, then the skull and vertebrae and BBB are the castle walls, and the CSF is the moat—but a clean moat—unlike the medieval ones. Intruding molecules and pathogens would have to traverse both solid and liquid barriers.

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels, and they are everywhere in the body. They are the U-turn points where arteries and then smaller arterioles give way to capillaries, then venules, and then veins in blood’s perpetual round-trip from the heart to everywhere else and back again. Anywhere you can point to on your body has a dense and intricate network of capillaries under the skin.

The bottleneck of the BBB is comprised of the tight junctions between capillary wall endothelial cells, prohibiting passage of most substances, as detailed below. Those ubiquitous capillaries run through the entire body, and in the brain they are 40 micrometers apart, which is a space in which two neurons can fit. [1] So every neuron in the brain is nourished by an adjacent capillary.

The Bottleneck at the Blood-Brain Barrier

For a molecule floating in the blood to travel from the blood to a neuron, it has the tightest challenge at the tight junctions between capillary endothelial cells, to exit the bloodstream. Then, once inside the brain, in the space surrounding neurons, if a molecule or a microbe is to arrive into the brain, it must next cross the brain cell (neuronal) membrane to enter that cell, and finally the nuclear membrane of the neuron.

The BBB rejects 98 percent of even small molecules and more than 99 percent of large molecules. [2] Charged or polar molecules and ions cannot pass. The large ones cannot pass directly, simply for not making it past the tight filtration of the BBB. Oils, and substances that are soluble in oils, such as caffeine and nicotine, have a better chance of crossing the blood brain-barrier than water-soluble compounds. Certain small molecules may enter unchaperoned, such as oxygen and glucose. Nutrients such as B vitamins enter by way of saturable transport systems. [3]

Ions and charged polar molecules cannot cross, because they get stuck at the hydrophobic lipid layer. This simply means that because oily and watery fluids do not mix well, the fatty cell membrane disallows passage of most water-soluble substances, and keeps them out of the brain’s cells, unless they are carried in by other means.

But there are back door routes to the brain, and it seems certain that COVID vaccine developers have either arrived there inadvertently or have determined a path through those doors.

And they knew they had entered the brain by November 2020, before the December 2020 vaccine rollout to the public.

So let’s look at what gets into the brain and how that happens.

A typical pharmacology strategy to enter the brain is chaperoning, in which substances that do not typically cross the BBB are compounded together with substances that do cross, which may mimic endogenous molecules. Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) carry medications into cells but rarely cross the BBB alone.

Monoclonal antibodies have shepherded LNPs across the BBB. [4] Enzymes interact with cell membranes and can be used. [5]


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