May 26, 20222 min

Sussmann’s Trial Exposes The Ugly And Corrupt Details Of The Russia Hoax

- GREGG JARRETT - STAFF - MAY 25, 2022 -

Gregg is joined by Alina Habba, a lawyer for Donald Trump who has been inside the federal courtroom for the entirety of the trial

They were all corrupt. Hillary Clinton and her cadre of lawyers and lackeys. James Comey and his parasitic puppets. Bob Mueller and his team of unscrupulous partisan hacks. The odious Glenn Simpson and his smear merchants at Fusion GPS. And, of course, the obnoxious media stooges who obsessed over Trump-Russia collusion without a shred of credible evidence. They broke every rule in the book. Sewer rats have more ethics.

That, in sum, is what we’ve learned from the federal trial of Michael Sussmann, the morally challenged attorney who knowingly peddled phony information to the FBI, CIA, and the press to frame Donald Trump both before and after the 2016 presidential election.

It was all a hoax invented by Hillary personally, funded by her campaign, and disseminated on her orders by her sycophants to the malevolent media to destroy her opponent and boost her chances of winning the White House. The scam also had the added benefit, as declassified CIA documents show, of distracting from Clinton’s own damning email scandal. Thanks to Comey’s abuse of power, she escaped criminal prosecution for that. Feeling emboldened, she manufactured a new scandal to defame Trump.

The contemptible mainstream media served as witting accessories to the fraudulent conspiracy. Blinded by their unabashed scorn for Trump, they were all too willing to run asinine stories of Kremlin collusion without bothering to verify or corroborate any of it. Evidence? Facts? Proof? Forget about it. That stuff is for chumps. When it comes to sliming Trump, there are no journalistic rules.

Frankly, I don’t care whether Sussmann is convicted or not. He’s dead-bang guilty. Any average moron can see that. But with a Washington DC jury chocked-full of Clinton supporters and donors, I don’t hold out much hope that justice will prevail. A perversion of justice is more likely.

What matters is that special counsel John Durham has finally unraveled the cascade of lies and misfeasance that enabled the greatest mass delusion and dirty trick ever perpetrated in American politics. It has been laid bare for all to see during Sussmann’s trial. Which is precisely why ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC have refused to cover any of it.

The same news organizations that were addicted to spreading collusion lies have chosen to embargo the truth. Reporting on it now would be a public admission that they were reckless and wrong. God forbid that journalists would ever offer a sincere mea culpa or apology.

