Mar 3, 20213 min

Pope Emeritus Benedict’s new scandalous comments on Joe Biden

- LIFE SITE NEWS - 1 Mar, 2021 -


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI speaks about Joe Biden’s 'observant' Catholicism.

March 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Wow, just wow. Some unbelievable comments today from Pope Benedict XVI in a new interview with an Italian newspaper where he speaks of Joe Biden’s Catholicism. And if you missed the attack on the Holy Mother of God from Biden’s pick for the head of HHS, you need to see this. In this show I’m going to give you both the reason for all this insanity and the solution to it.

In a new interview released today by the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Serra, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said of President Joe Biden, “It is true, he is Catholic and observant.” Benedict XVI added that Biden “is personally against abortion.” Further demonstrating his misinformation about US political realities, the pope emeritus said of Biden “on gender politics we have not yet fully understood what his position is.”

The only caveat Pope Benedict mentioned was what seemed like a lament. “But as a president he tends to present himself in

continuity with the line of the Democratic Party,” said the former pope.

What is Pope Benedict watching in terms of media or news that leads him to believing or worse yet parrot that Biden is personally opposed to abortion?

In his first two weeks in office, Biden has pledged to make abortion available to “everyone” by “codifying” the Supreme Court’s 1973 pro-abortion decision Roe v. Wade, and has revoked the Mexico City policy that blocks federal funds from going to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide abortions in developing countries.

And even if he saw none of that, he would surely have seen the letter from the US bishops conference that called out Biden on inauguration day for pushing abortion. A Jan. 20 Inauguration Day letter written by Archbishop José Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), warned that Biden’s pledge to pursue anti-life and anti-family policies would advance “moral evils” in the areas of “abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender.”

But another thing Pope Benedict is quoted in the paper as saying is just as troubling. Benedict said he didn’t fully understand Biden’s stance on gender.

You know, I used to joke about ‘Catholic’ politicians like Biden saying he’d have to marry a homosexual couple himself and make it public for people to believe. But that’s no joke, Biden did exactly that! He personally officiated at a wedding ceremony for two men, making sure to photograph it and boast of it.

Moreover, on the very first day of his presidency Biden issued an executive order to force gender-confused men into women’s sports. And if all that is not evidence enough the so-called Equality Act Biden is pushing now is the death-knell for pro-family, pro-life and religious rights in America. It would force Catholic institutions to hire transgenders, female “priests” — or face sanctions. It would force Christian doctors and hospitals to perform transgender mutilation surgeries, abortions leaving no room for conscientious objection. And it would would increase girls’ risk of sexual assault and eliminate women’s sports by forcing the acceptance of biologically male athletes to compete in women’s sports and use women’s changerooms.

You know what underlies this thinking? It is the thinking of so many prelates in the Church about Catholicism. How can they act as if well, yes, there are all these sticky political issues on which we differ, but we are all brothers, everything is fine and we should all be polite and supportive of one another and dialogue and never stray into accusations or god forbid question someone’s sincerity of faith.

How? How can this be? How in the face of promoting the slaughter of a million American babies in their mother’s wombs every single year? How? I’ll tell you how. The false notion of universal salvation underpins this whole mess. If everyone is going to heaven, then really everything doesn’t matter that much. We can go along to get along. Because in the end it really doesn’t matter all that much. Thankfully, there are some priests who still get it, like Fr. Mark Goring.

But there is more.

