Sep 18, 20202 min

Obama is the power behind the Biden teleprompter

- RENEW AMERICA - Sep 17, 2020 -

Cliff Kincaid

President Trump has been accused of going too slow on a coronavirus response. Now he’s accused of going too fast. “Danger of rushing vaccine,” screams the headline over the political gossip publication Axios, designed for elites in the Big Tech industry who don’t read too much but want to know what to say and who to censor. Meanwhile, the liberals in the media are in ecstasy over Barack Hussein’ Obama’s new book, A Promised Land.

Mike Allen of Axios says former Obama aides “tell me it's worth the wait” and that “Obama is a graceful, thoughtful writer who cares about the words – and has two previous bestsellers, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope.”

You may remember that Dreams from My Father concealed the identity of Obama’s Marxist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and was reportedly ghost-written by former communist terrorist and professor Bill Ayers. Jack Cashill tells this story in his new book, Unmasking Obama.

You may also remember a column I wrote about Mike Allen’s conservative father, the great Gary Allen, who wrote a series of books exposing communist personalities and plots. Mike turned his back on his father’s work and has pursued a journalistic career of pandering to the rich, famous, and powerful. Gary Allen exposed people like Henry Kissinger. Mike Allen idolizes Obama.

Cashill’s book Unmasking Obama explains how conservative media and public interest groups worked to uncover and expose a series of Obama scandals, especially his communist ties but also his use of government power against his political enemies. Hence, the subtitle is “The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency.”

The print edition for the new Obama book, including two 16-page photo inserts, is $45. You can get Cashill’s book for about half the price and it will fill in the gaps in public knowledge of America’s first Marxist president.

Obama is still important, not only because he’s hawking a new book, but because he’s the power behind the Joe Biden candidacy.

