Jul 26, 20211 min

Mark Levin: A 'massive movement' is about to be unleashed against Biden's Marxist agenda


Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Radio Hall of Fame

New York Times bestselling author and BlazeTV host Mark Levin said there is a "massive movement" of the American people waking up to challenge the progressive left and wrest control of the country away from the Democratic Party.

Levin, whose eighth book "American Marxism" is already a bestseller and is set to debut at the No. 1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list, told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday that the record-smashing sales figures he's seeing for his book remind him of the beginnings of the Tea Party movement against the Obama administration and the early sales of his first smash hit, "Liberty and Tyranny."

Transcript below:

I was part of the Reagan revolution. I was part of the Tea Party movement. I was part of the Trump revolution. There is a massive movement afoot. It's not under the radar, people just aren't looking at it.

The silent majority is not going to be silent anymore. The American people are furious with what's happened to their country — and by American people I mean all American people who love this country regardless of their color, their religion, their background — red-blooded Americans, they are sick and tired of what they've seen in the first six months of this administration.



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