Nov 25, 20212 min

Horowitz: Why every red state has an obligation to fight hospitals killing patients on ventilators


Francine Orr/Getty Images

The family of Sun Ng will definitely have a meaningful Thanksgiving this year thanks to an attorney, a judge, and a doctor who bucked the system and enabled him to get ivermectin when he was at death's doorstep. Imagine how many thousands of others are missing at this year's Thanksgiving dinner thanks to the satanic effort to block this lifesaving drug – both outpatient and for those close to death?

Sun Ng, a contractor from Hong Kong, was visiting his grandchildren in October when he caught COVID-19. Ng was admitted to Edward Hospital in Naperville, Illinois, on Oct. 14 and was placed on a ventilator several days later. Like thousands of other patients, the hospital offered Ng no viable hope of survival but bitterly fought the use of ivermectin, even with the family's own doctor, at their own cost, and with their own liability. Ng's daughter, Man Kwan Ng, sued the hospital in DuPage County Circuit Court for the right to have Dr. Alan Bain administer a regimen of ivermectin.

According to a court affidavit, at the time Ng was "in the same state for many, many days … critically ill," and a nurse suggested that Dr. Ng "stop all this aggressive care and let [her father] die naturally." On November 5, after Ng was on a ventilator for three weeks, DuPage County Circuit Court Judge Paul Fullerton ruled in favor of the family and allowed Dr. Bain to administer 24mg doses of ivermectin from Nov. 8 through Nov. 12. The result? Within five days, he was able to breathe without the ventilator and on Nov. 16 walked out of the ICU. By this past Sunday, Ng was breathing without supplemental oxygen on a regular hospital floor.


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