Jan 17, 20221 min

GOP senator who was called a 'moron' by Fauci leaks top doc's unredacted financial disclosures

- THE BLAZE - PAUL SACCA - JAN 15, 2022 -

Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images

The Republican senator who was called a "moron" by Dr. Anthony Fauci has published unredacted financial disclosures of the nation's top doctor. The GOP senator is also planning to introduce a bill named after Fauci following a tense exchange on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) grilled Fauci on Tuesday during a Senate committee hearing.

"You have an annual salary in 2020 that was $434,000," Marshall said of Fauci. "You oversee over $5 billion in federal research grants. As the highest-paid employee in the entire federal government, yes or no: Would you be willing to submit to Congress and the public a financial disclosure that includes your past and current investments?”

Fauci responded, "My financial disclosure is public knowledge and has been so for the last 37 years or so."

The two men then had a testy exchange debating whether or not Fauci's financial disclosures are public knowledge. The volatile back-and-forth ended with Fauci being caught on a hot mic demeaning Marshall, "What a moron! Jesus Christ."



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