Dec 18, 20202 min

Christian Purge Envisioned During Biden/Harris Administration

- TECHNOCRACY NEWS - Dec 17, 2020 -


Wikimedia Commons, Andrew Ciscel

Anti-Christian vitriol is rising out of the radical Democrat left and is more clearly framing a coming religious war in America that blames Christians for impeding the “progress” of a dark agenda. The Scientism that underpins Technocracy and Transhumanism only recognizes scientific truth while specifically excluding Biblical truth as mythical, unfounded and dangerous.

There is no lack of anti-Christian church activity during the Great Panic of 2020 pandemic. Churches are ordered closed or greatly restricted while casinos, Walmarts and Costcos stay open. Those churches that defied such orders have been blamed for being “super-spreaders” and charged as “unloving”, uncaring, callous and even murderous. ⁃ TN Editor

A group backed by congressional Democrats touting a “Secular America” has sent a 28-page document to the Biden transition team advising him to strip First Amendment rights from Christians who advocate traditional biblical positions on the sanctity of life, marriage, education and the nuclear family.

The group, calling themselves the Secular Democrats of America, sent the letter to Biden’s team under the title “Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House: Prepared exclusively by Secular Democrats of America PAC for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris Transition Team.”

The document, presented by Reps Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Jared Huffman, D-Calif., and endorsed by Rep. Jerry McNerney, D-Calif., states that an incoming Biden administration must “educate the American public,” particularly those identified as the “religious right,” on the need to keep their “religious dogma” to themselves. The document calls for a purge of social conservatives from all levels of government, labeling them as “white nationalist” and “conspiracy theorists.”

“They don’t have a problem with churches, they have a problem with conservative churches that voted for Donald Trump,” Brannon Howse, a conservative radio host who aired a program on the document Monday night, told “And some of the people promoting this are members of the leftist neo-evangelical community.”

He said vengeful Democrats are making enemy lists and have their sights set on the traditional Catholic community as well as the conservative evangelical Protestant community – two groups that voted for Donald Trump in droves.

“As long as you’re teaching a leftist progressive socialist religiosity you’ll be just fine, but if you preach anything that is wrapped around a Judeo-Christian value system they’re coming after you,” Howse said. “They’re telling Biden don’t use the term Judeo-Christian. They don’t like that term.”

The document states:

