May 3, 20232 min

ABC News censors Bobby Kennedy remarks critical of COVID vaccines

- WORLD NET DAILY - Peter LaBarbera - MAY 1, 2023 -

ABC News refused to air a portion of its interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr., the recently announced Democrat primary challenger to Joe Biden, because it disagreed with his criticism of COVID vaccines.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr interviewed by ABC News (Video screenshot)

'Instead of journalism, the public saw a hatchet job'

Rather than play the full interview so that viewers could evaluate Kennedy's own words, ABC chose to censor them, with reporter Linsey Davis giving what Kennedy said was a "defamatory disclaimer" on air: “[W]e should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines. We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview,” she said in the interview published April 27.

Davis added, “[Kennedy] also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism. Research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used in the vaccines do not cause autism, including multiple studies involving more than a million children and major medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the advocacy group Autism Speaks,” according to an Epoch Times report on the manipulated interview.

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"The claims in question were not listed, and ABC did not return a request for comment," Epoch Times reported.

Kennedy issued a long tweet April 28 in response to what he called the journalistic "hatchet job": "USC 315 makes it illegal for TV networks to censor Presidential candidates but Thursday, ABC showed its contempt for the law, democracy, and its audience by cutting most of the content of my interview with host Linsey Davis leaving only cherry-picked snippets and a defamatory disclaimer," he said.

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"Offering no evidence, @ABC justified this act of censorship by falsely asserting that I made 'false claims.' In truth, Davis engaged me in a lively, informative, and mutually respectful debate on the government’s COVID countermeasures. I’m happy to supply citations to support every statement I made during that exchange," he continued, adding, "I'm certain that ABC’s decision to censor came as a shock to Linsey as well.

"Instead of journalism, the public saw a hatchet job. Instead of information, they got defamation and unsheathed Pharma propaganda," he said. "Americans deserve to hear the full interview so they can make up their own minds. How can democracy function without a free and unbiased press? As President, I will free FCC from its corporate captors and force the agency to follow the law by revoking the licenses of networks that put the mercantile ambitions of advertisers ahead of the public interest."


